#14 - Embracing dairy learnings with Deane Parker

Closeup headshot of Deane Parker outdoors and smiling.

Join dairy farmer and filmmaker Deane Parker as he deep-dives into his journey from rafting guide to regenerative farming advocate. Deane's connection to the outdoors and water, along with the hurdles he's faced along the way, have profoundly affected how he views the industry he works in and the opportunities available for those willing to change.

The openness with which Deane explores his concerns, hopes and experiences is powerful, as is the working relationship he's forging with partner Melissa. From the value of people, to multi-species winter crops and cutting fertiliser use, Deane is forward looking, curious and always learning.

Enjoy the episode!

“It just made sense. There was increasing regulation and legislation about the way that we could operate, and there were very few solutions being offered. It was just problem after problem - how to continue operating the way that we had instead of looking forward, looking to the future, and looking to the solutions going forward.

“And regenerative farming really does tick that box for dairy farming. It doesn’t have to be anything massive. Just multi-species cropping or adding diversity to your pastures. Maybe looking at cutting back on solid fert and looking at using foliar fert.

“There’s a lot of solutions out there for the problems that we face today.”

Disclaimer: The information, opinions and ideas presented in this content is for information purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Any reliance on the content provided is done at your own risk. (click here to view full disclaimer).


Regenerative crop production - Arable Webinar Apr '22


COLLECTION: Regenerative arable transitions