The Dig - online forum

Screenshot of The Dig online forum

The Dig online forum is for farmers and growers in New Zealand - and those directly supporting them - who are actively taking steps to adopt biological and / or regenerative farm practices.**”

** If you don't meet this criteria but feel you could benefit from joining the Forum and bring value to it, please email


A dedicated digital space for the NZ regen and biological farming community

The Dig is a private online forum for those committed to the adoption of biological or regenerative farming systems across New Zealand.

It’s a space to share knowledge, skills and experiences, as well as ask and answer questions.

Our community agreement

As users of the QS Regen Forum, we agree to abide by the following Community Agreement:

  • that there is no such thing as a stupid question – we all have to start somewhere.

  • to keep discussions aligned with supporting farmers to improve their farm systems.

  • to being open to new ideas and different perspectives – every perspective is valid.

  • to authentically share my experiences – the whole of our journey has value.

  • to not engage in personal attacks or commercial self-promotion.

Apply to join

To join, click on the button above and complete the application form. If you’re eligible, you’ll receive email from us with instructions on how to download and log into the Forum, and an invite link direct from Jostle (we’re currently processing applications weekly).


Costs and conditions

You must be 18 years or older to use the QS Regen Community Forum.

The forum is currently funded (ie free to use) at least until the end of October 2024. Although we’re hoping to continue funding the Forum centrally beyond this date, we cannot yet confirm that, and beyond October 2024 users who wish to continue may need to pay an annual subscription.

This would allow forum to be fully or partially self-financed by the community. A full subscription is presently valued at NZ$150 per year.

Signing up does not commit you to continuing beyond the funded period. Users will be notified of subscription plans, terms and conditions, and the options available to them, ahead of any subscription introduction. As a user of the QS online forum you can step away at any time.

View QS Community Forum terms and conditions


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