Quorum Sense disclaimer
Last updated: 18 Dec 2024
The content distributed by Quorum Sense on its website(s), at events and through other channels of communication (including – but not limited to – the podcast, social media, newsletter, case studies and The Dig online community) is provided on an information only and a non-reliance basis; it does not constitute professional or tailored advice and any reliance on the content provided is done at your own risk and Quorum Sense shall have no liability whatsoever to any party in respect of the same.
Quorum Sense makes no warranty, expressed or implied, about the completeness or accuracy of the content provided and shall have no liability whatsoever to any party in respect of the same.
Links to external sites are provided for information only and Quorum Sense does not accept any responsibility and shall have no liability for the content or accuracy of those sites. Quorum Sense makes no representations as to the safety of external sites and is not liable for any viruses or other malware that may be associated with external sites.
The information, opinions, viewpoints and ideas presented by Quorum Sense on its website(s), at events and through its other platforms and channels of communication are those of the author(s) or contributor(s), not Quorum Sense. While Quorum Sense makes reasonable efforts to highlight where knowledge about a particular topic or practice is still developing, the opinions and viewpoints presented on this website may not reflect this.
You must make your own assessment of the information and content that is shared and Quorum Sense does not accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever for the information or content shared.