A microbiologist’s perspective with Andy Neal - Webinar Mar'23

In a simple way, microbiologist Andy Neal from Rothamsted Research in the UK demonstrates the complex interactions between physical soil structure and microbial metabolism with significant implications for nutrient-use efficiency in soils. And you get to experience being a soil microbe!

Q&As occur throughout this webinar.

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Topics covered in this webinar included:

  • Understanding soil as being dynamic

  • Soil and the carbon cycle – the fate of plant derived organic carbon

  • Relationships between soil structure and microbial function

  • The biological process of how carbon can be sequestered in soils

  • The importance of maintaining living roots and maximising photosynthesis to cause carbon sequestration

  • Variables that enhance or inhibit carbon sequestration in soils, particularly soil texture and management.

  • Increasing soil organic matter (OM) to increase total soil porosity and soil porosity connectivity

  • Why we want to increase OM, carbon, and porosity in our soils for creating resilient farming systems

  • Soil microbes expressing different genes depending on their soil environment, and how increasing soil OM causes a positive feedback on soil structure and microbial function.

  • Nutrient benefits of high OM, well structured soils versus low OM and poorly structured soils.

Links and resources

  • [Andy’s slides will be available shortly]

If you have other great resources that we can share, please use the contact@quorumsense.org.nz email to send us your suggestions!


Disclaimer: The information, opinions and ideas presented in this content is for information purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Any reliance on the content provided is done at your own risk. (click here to view full disclaimer).


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