In this Quorum Sense webinar we will be focusing on grazing management and planning in a New Zealand landscape. We have Siobhan Griffin up first with a presentation on grazing principles and planning and then we will be hearing from Jason Sutherland; Sheep and beef farmer from Central Otago and Sean & Jodi Brosnahan; Sheep and Beef farmers from rural Gisborne.

Hear from New Zealand farmers sharing their challenges, their learnings and of course their successes as they take on managing livestock and pastures to promote health, resilience and performance on farm.


Short presentations by the panelists are followed by a Q&A session. Topics covered in this webinar included:

• developing holistic grazing plans
• optimising recovery for your desired outcome
• growing more grass per unit of water
• the benefits of diversity in pasture
• using mobbing to promote grass quality
• using deferred grazing to shift spring flush to summer
• adapting to a dry summer
• adjusting using area, stocking rate and/or supplementation (ASS)
• using bale grazing to to recover from low summer covers

Links to related resources:


#16 - Jodi Roebuck on maximising impact per hectare


#15 - Breeding for success with the McKerchar family

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