#54 - A celebration of soil and connection: Conversations at Underground
The podcast heads to the Underground Festival in North Canterbury to capture some of the conversations that took place during this wonderful celebration of soil.
#52 - Banging on about soil health with Matthew Evans
Tasmania farmer and food fanatic Matthew Evans shares his journey from chef and food critic to farmer-to-plate restaurant-owner via the wonders of soil health.
#50 - Helping people transition in agriculture with Darren Doherty
Australian farmer and educator Darren Doherty discusses farm systems function, design and management, and the common hurdles in practice and mindset.
#49 - Shifting the global agricultural paradigm with Allen Williams
Allen Williams shares his inspiring learning journey, returning to farming after 24 years in academia and teaming up with Gabe Brown to impact millions of acres.
#45 - SPECIAL EPISODE: Unintended consequences of GE and GMOs with Prof Jack Heinemann
A leading voice on GE / GMOs, Professor Jack Heinemann (University of Canterbury) talks through the issues and shares insights around proposed changes to NZ regulations.
#38 - Transforming waste into biochar with Dylan Graves
Dylan Graves discusses the powerful uses and functions of biochar, the wonders of soil and how anyone can make biochar on any scale.
Identifying your farm’s limiting factors - ‘Catch the Rain’ webinar Mar'24
Sam Lang (Quorum Sense, Foothills Farming) and Jules Matthews (CREATE coach, Mangaroa Farms) share a simple process for identifying the limiting factors ‘putting a drag on your system’.
#37 - Uncovering the magic of Six Inches of Soil with Claire McKenzie
This month, Jono speaks to Claire McKenzie, producer of Six Inches of Soil - a grassroots British documentary which Quorum Sense is bringing to New Zealand screens.