Regenerative grazing management - ‘Catch the Rain’ webinar Mar'24
Hear from Mark Koopmans (North Canterbury), Rachel Short,(Taranaki) and Ross Johnson (Wairarapa) as they discuss regenerative grazing systems, techniques and farmer-led research.
COLLECTION: Regenerative winter grazing innovations
Kiwi farmers have been leading the development of nature-based solutions to winter grazing challenges. Learn why, how and what they’re doing!
Hay bale grazing – an alternative to winter crops
Bale Grazing is a wintering system where hay bales are spaced across the paddock, with stock grazing breaks of hay and pasture throughout the winter.
Hay bale grazing – cost comparison
Bale Grazing is a wintering system where hay bales are spaced across the paddock, with stock grazing breaks of hay and pasture throughout the winter.