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Further information
Quantum based agriculture (QBA) works with the circuitry of the soil/plant system. Most people understand that soil minerals contain positive and negative charges. But QBA goes beyond simple charges to the interactions of all the vibrations that exist in soils, plants and the atmosphere.
Phil Callahan did extensive research on the vibrational energy of plants, soils and animals. A few theories and systems exist for managing the energetic system of agriculture.
Biodynamics is the best known method as described by Rudolph Steiner in 1924. The use of homeopathy is also becoming more widespread in agriculture.
Although we are only beginning to understand the importance and power of this aspect of soil management, we believe it is essential to consider the energetic component in your soil management plan and start to understand quantum based agriculture.
This will be an introduction to these concepts looking at various applications and practices.
Visit the Chaos Springs website for more information.