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Hosted by LandWise
Cost $98.81pp
Registration required
Click this link to register for the Hawke’s Bay: LandWise 2024 - Rebuilding Our Soils conference
The 2024 LandWISE Conference, “Rebuilding Our Soils” will be held in Hawke’s Bay at the Havelock North Function Centre on Wed 15 & Thu 16 May. This is earlier than previous years.
An important theme is regenerative cropping; what does it mean in New Zealand, and can intensive systems be regenerative? That includes our own 6-year trial that began in late spring 2022. We will also report on work to address building soils from scratch and getting fields back into full production, given the devastation in Hawke’s Bay, Gisborne and Northland.
As always, expect a good representation of new agritech covering a wide range of technologies.