Quorum Sense to grow support network throughout NZ. Press release, Jun 2020.

The Quorum Sense farming network is pleased to have been awarded $1.8m for three years of extension funding from MPI’s Productive & Sustainable Land Use - Extension Services fund. The group was founded in 2018 as a voluntary peer-to-peer learning network for farmers interested in farming systems and practices that supported biological and ecological function.

“The network has grown rapidly over the last two years and is leading the evolution and extension of regenerative farming approaches in New Zealand”

“Quorum Sense exists primarily to support farmer-led learning & innovation. Our focus is on providing open-source platforms for sharing knowledge and ideas about regenerative farm systems & practices, including successes, failures, and learnings. We also ensure we create a sense of community and take every opportunity to make learning and farming fun”

The MPI funding will help Quorum Sense increase the reach and impact of the network. The digital engagement and support provided by Quorum Sense will be increased via the website, Facebook group, and Whatsapp channels to include resource hubs, educational material, presentations, webinars, podcasts and case studies from across the country. Field days, events and workshops will also be held regularly around the country.

“There is also strong interest within the network to co-design science programmes to test, validate and/or improve some of the practices that farmers are developing and trialing in their different contexts - it’s an exciting space”

There is provision within the funding agreement for Quorum Sense to work with MPI on science programme that could sit alongside the extension project. Quorum Sense is already involved in the Regenerative Outcome Framework project that is co-led by Dr Gwen Grelet (Manaaki Whenua) and Sam Lang (Quorum Sense).

About Quorum Sense:

Quorum Sense is a farmer-led network with the mission of ‘generating and sharing practical knowledge to support regenerative farm systems and vibrant rural communities’.

The group currently supports a Whatsapp group of 100+ farmers, scientists, advisors etc; a Facebook group of 2,400+ people; and recent website & newsletter with 450+ subscribers. It includes farmers & others from all sectors throughout Aotearoa.

Board members:

Nigel Greenwood (Chairman), Duncan Humm (Spokesperson), David Birkett, Jono Frew, Simon Osborne, Dr Gwen Grelet


Sam Lang (Manager), Sylvia Smyth (Evaluator & Administrator)

For media enquiries, please contact Duncan Humm at duncan@nzfarming.org or on 0272281073

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