Michelle Barry

Michelle Barry on hill | Quorum Sense.jpg

QS Board Vice-Chair Michelle Barry worked in the agri-environmental sector before relocating from Ireland to New Zealand in 2015, where she started working in viticulture production. Since then, she has worked in vineyard management and wine production in both the Wairarapa and Marlborough.

Today Michelle works at Bragato Research Institute where she combines her background in environmental science and soil science with her experience in production to help winegrowers achieve better soil health outcomes on vineyard and how to communicate these outcomes to consumers.

Michelle is also studying for a PhD in agro-ecological economics with the Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit at Lincoln University, her research will look at how biological and geographical diversity can increase vineyard resilience to future climate challenges. Michelle runs a small wine company, Emerald Wines, with her partner Tom.

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you'll be criticized anyway.”

Eleanor Roosevelt


Becks Smith


Duncan Humm