Nick Tucker

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Digital Production & Support Nick Tucker escaped from mainstream marketing communications to join Quorum Sense. He retains that keen eye for detail and has a knack for constructing engaging content. He can usually spot when things aren't working as they should!

Nick's main focus in Quorum Sense is the online space. From expanding the website to developing digital community and knowledge base platforms, he leads several projects. Improving the accessibility of peer-to-peer connection and knowledge transfer is a high priority. He also provides input as a producer to the Quorum Sense podcasts and case studies.

Nick's been in the agricultural sector his entire life. He started as a farmer in the UK, then switched to delivering marketing services to the agricultural supply sector in the mid '90s. Having worked for clients in various parts of the world, Nick relocated to NZ in 2005 and has no intention of leaving! He's recently returned to his roots by taking on a 65ha grazing block in the far north, where he lives in a small off-grid cabin with his partner Josephine.

For Nick, life is about being outdoors whenever possible, building things, fixing things and connecting to nature. Indoors, it's the opportunity to be creative that keeps him engaged each day...and has him reaching for the guitar when it's time to knock off. The rest of the time, you'll likely find him creating new paleo recipes, running bush trails or biking the local gravel roads. That, or taking the dog for yet another glorious walk in the Northland countryside.

“What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, what you dwell upon determines your destiny.”

Robin S. Sharma


Willie White


Deane Parker