Sue Cumberworth

Sue Cumberworth  portrait photo | Quorum Sense.jpg

QS Regional Support Sue Cuberworth joined the Quorum Sense team in 2022 to support farmer groups and networks around Aotearoa New Zealand, in their endeavours to learn about and implement regenerative farming systems and practices, so they can realise their hopes and dreams as growers and farmers. Sue brings a strong and long background in Farm Advisory, group facilitation and agricultural extension roles. She says, “what I do best and enjoy the most is, helping farmers help themselves, and each other”.

Sue’s passion for resilient, enduring, light-touch farming/food and fibre production systems, is equalled by her passion for NZ’s native flora, fauna, habitats and landscapes. Whether farming, gardening, planting trees, tramping, biking, camping or skiing, Sue loves being in NZ’s wonderful outdoor environments.

She lives with her family on a small lifestyle block near Tai Tapu in Canterbury which she describes as a paradise now that they have a freezer full of home grown lamb and fruit, a cellar full of home grown wine, and a daily dawn chorus of resident korimako-bellbirds. The latter she says is a wonderful result of the native plantings by her family, neighbours and local community over the last 20 years.


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