#42 - How organic regen dairy farmer Charlotte and Russell Heald are living their dream life
Charlotte and Russell Heald are passionate dairy farmers "living their dream life" in Norsewood, Manawatū.
Earlier this year, they won the OrganicNZ award for Regenerative Organic Farmer of the Year.
Russell and Charlotte share their journey from conventional share milking to dairy farm ownership. And how a personal health focus began their on farm transition to regenerative, and then organic certification, where they receive a premium for their milk.
They wanted to create a low stress farm environment with a focus on profit and abundance of life, and they share how they have done just that.
Charlotte and Russell are very open in this conversation, sharing challenges and successes they have found on the way.
Tune in as we discuss a range of topics from diverse pastures to agri tourism to energy and frequencies in this fascinating conversation with the Healds.
Bringing the cows in at sunrise on the Heald’s Manawatū dairy farm.
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