Gemma Carroll

Gemma Carroll with backpack in bush | Quorum Sense.jpg

Gemma is a former QS board member who stepped down in August 2022. She describes herself as a mother, yogi, tramper, and employed in the horticulture sector as a senior leader in communications. She is also completing her Masters in Management (Sustainability) at Massey University.

She has a love of nature and food systems passed on to her through the family generations, which has seen her always growing her own food from a simple backyard through to co-managing a 52 acre block with home garden, small orchard, flock of sheep and native flora and fauna restoration projects under QE11 covenants.

She has contributed to numerous pest control, endangered species monitoring and reforestation projects with her time and energy. She heads to the mountains regularly for daytrips and multi-day adventures and has gone so far as high-altitude climbing in the Himalayas. She always has a pile of books on the go and loves writing. Her goal is to restore and enjoy biodiversity and to encourage regenerative food systems in Aotearoa.

“Solvitur ambulando – It is solved by walking.”

Attributed to Diogenes (Greek philosopher)


David Birkett