David Birkett

David Birkett portrait photo | Quorum Sense.jpg

An early board member and Treasurer for Quorum Sense, David Birkett is an arable grower from Leeston who’s developed a low input, high output farming system using conservation growing techniques that was featured in our β€˜Regenerative arable transitions’ case study. He has been involved in numerous industry governance roles at both local and national levels, including Past Chair of Foundation for Arable Research for 7 years. A passion for research and finding new growing techniques is what led him to Quorum Sense. He stepped down from active board duty in May 2022.

David Birkett farms near Leeston, Canterbury on Temuka Silt Loam and Paparoa Sandy Loam soils. The whole farm is in crop over summer and livestock are integrated over the winter period. He grows cereals, ryegrass seed, legumes and vegetables, both for fresh harvest

David has focused on developing a low input system and improving soil quality for 25 years. However in the last few years he has learnt how keeping living roots in the soil as much as possible can accelerate his soil health gains.

"Tell me and I will forget. Teach me and I will remember. Involve me and I will learn."

Benjamin Franklin


Content featuring: David Birkett


Rhiannon James


Gemma Carroll