Greer Manderson

Greer Manderson in a paddock of sunflowers holding a potentiometer.

A former QS team member, Greer Manderson joined Quorum Sense in 2022 with her youthful energy, fresh perspective, and inquisitive nature. To say that Greer is passionate about regenerative farming and networks is an understatement!

Raised in Whangarei, Northland, Greer’s exposure to the agricultural scene was through her family’s business. In 2020, Greer completed her BSc (Biological & Environmental Sciences) at the University of Canterbury.

Early that year, Greer’s Dad took her to a Dr. Christine Jones seminar in Darfield. Dr. Christine’s words “it all starts in the soil” intensely resonated with Greer, sparking the direction of her contribution to the world; to shift the current paradigm of food production to one that regenerates both the health of our environment and the wellbeing of our people. Greer went on to complete her BSc (First Class Honours) at Lincoln University in 2021, self-directing her research within the realm of regenerative agriculture.

Greer is not only committed to transforming current farming systems into regenerating agroecosystems, but also to being a ‘bridge’ of communication about regenerative farming approaches between urban and rural, academic and public spheres.

All that said, it’s unsurprising that Greer is involved in most areas and projects of Quorum Sense!

Greer also works with Jono Frew as a regenerative agriculture Coach and Head of Communications, as well as with her family’s business in an education and communication role. And to top it off, Greer’s a group fitness instructor too!

"Most of the old moles I know wish they had listened less to their fears and more to their dreams."

From ‘The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse’ by Charlie Mackesy


Jo Fearn


Skye Rutherford