Sam Hogg

Sam Hogg with cattle in paddock | Quorum Sense.jpg

QS Board Member Sam Hogg grew up on his family farm in the Manawatu. His dad Richard and uncle Alistair were always keen to try new things which meant the farm over the years had many different focuses.

After finishing his studies in Law and Commerce he found within him a deep desire to contribute to the greater good of humanity and decided he would spend the rest of his life helping to heal and regenerate our precious planet.

Mingiroa farm at the time was at a bit of a crisis point. Having converted to dairy in 2008 and geared up for a high input system, a large level of debt was taken on through both the conversion and the dairy downturn. With high running costs and a large environmental toll the family took it upon themselves to make significant changes. This initially involved destocking, converting to organics and to a full grass system.

Sam was the passion and the driving force behind these changes and has since also incorporated organic vegetables into Mingiroa Farm’s diverse operation. It has been one hell of a roller coaster for Sam but he’s kept reminding himself of the big picture and the long term future. He’s realised through it all that farming is really the cornerstone of civilisation and farmers have a huge responsibility for both caring for our earth and growing our societies food.

“Money does not bring forth food. Neither does the technology of the food system. Food comes from nature and from the work of people.

“If the supply of food is to be continuos for a long time, then people must work in harmony with nature.”

Wendell Berry


Nick Gill


Katie Vickers