Forward a post or reply to another channel


Write it once, share in many places


This works whether you’re wanting to forward a post in a channel, or a reply to a post.


  1. find the post or reply you want to forward and tap on the text

  2. swipe up on the menu that appears to reveal the ‘Forward Message’ option and tap it

  3. start typing the channel or member name you want to forward to - as soon as it appears as a suggestion you can tap on it (and you can add more than one)

  4. add any additional message you want to include and press send (top right)

The Dig mobile screenshot of forward message menu option
The Dig mobile screenshot of how to select a channel for a forwarded message.
The Dig mobile screenshot of adding a message and sending a forwarded post.


  1. find the post or reply you want to forward and hover over the text so that the context menu pop-up appears top right

  2. click on the three dots option and select the ‘Forward message…’ (or press the F key on your keyboard)

  3. start typing the channel or member name you want to forward to - as soon as it appears as a suggestion you can click on it. (you can add more than one)

  4. add any additional message you want to include and press the green forward button

  5. note that on desktop you also have the option to ‘Save as draft’ rather than forward

The Dig desktop screenshot of post context menu.
The Dig desktop screenshot of forward message menu option.
The Dig desktop screenshot of selecting a channel for a forwarded post.


How to start or join a ‘Huddle’


Show only unread content in channel list