COLLECTION: Regenerative winter grazing innovations

Winter is one of the most challenging times to manage livestock in New Zealand. Some kiwi farmers have been leading a unique style of innovation combining stockmanship, agronomy, ecology and farm system design to develop nature-based solutions for winter grazing.

Follow the Quorum Sense journey into winter grazing innovations. We showcase five very different farms, profiling four farmers, an AgResearch scientist and an environmental manager for a large family farming business.

This film shows some of the exciting potential of multi-species winter crops and hay bale grazing for improving soil health, animal health, resilience, profitability and the well being of farmers. However these innovations are not silver bullets, they won't suit everyone, and need to be adapted to each unique situation.

Download the Quorum Sense hay bale grazing handbook: Hay Bale Grazing Handbook.pdf


Case study topics in this collection

Content related to: wintering


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